Start: Lake Accotink Park – 7500 Accotink Park Rd, Alexandria, VA
Celebrating a new season and apples cum to mind, symbolic of many things — health, blessings, and hot SPIKED apple cider — so join us on a fabulously laid Fall equinox trail
Hares: Cums in Style (Spitz.cum, Doggy Style and Amazon.cum)
Trail: Walkers and runner trails option, some shiggy, creek crossing (all dry), and PI still alive and about. Bring bug spray too.
Friendlies: Dogs on leash & strollers all good
Start Location: Large parking lot under train tressel (park at the corner furthest from tressel).
Trail NOTES: This is a BYO-Everthing (including your own water, beer, munchies, something to drink from like your vessel, and something to sit on)
Hare Phone: Spitz (571.291.5011)
SPECIAL NOTE: Opening trail for your evening pleasure on FRI 25 SEPT. Cum and play early (anytime after 4:00 pm) and will have some “apple” juiciness to get you warmed up. Ir might rain, so be prepared but if not, will have a fire and also some meaty chili. ONLY on FRI evening. Check for any updates before you head out, either day.***PLEASE CONTINUE ISO HASHING AND SOCIAL DISTANCING (masks within close proximity)***